CCAL Has Teanviwer gone off the freeware rails?

I’m in 2 winter leagues that are actively playing the season of a full year ago …. the season that we now have in the TCBA playoffs.
I tried to play on teamviewer with a KISS manager a couple of days ago. He kept getting messages that he needed to pay for the use of TeamViewer. The screen would periodically freeze and sometimes kick him off. We were able to play and eventually finish the series, but it was a pain in the butt.
I tried to host a series on Teamviewer tonight is BOXCAR. The visiting manager got a "you must pay" message repeatedly and never could join at all.
Has anyone had issues with teamviewer lately? I’m in the CCAL playoffs, and in the past weve used Teamviewer in this league.
Has teamviewer gone pay per view, or are the 2 managers just having unique sign in issues? Anybody had problems with teamviewer lately?
Thanks for your input. I just sent this same message to TCBA, so if you get this thing twice, I’m sorry.